
The time to deploy is when your child reaches maturity as a young adult. This is a difficult stage not so for the child but more so for the parent.…

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The pre-teens to the teenage years are the most volatile stage for a child. This stage is termed the “tween” years (ages 9-12) and the adolescence (ages 13-19), respectively. The…

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Instruct. This is the age of reason. The season when children start to verbalize their thoughts, to read, to write, and be physically coordinated. This is the moment that we…

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The toddler years. What do I mean by hone? To hone the character. At the earliest stage, caring for your baby would have created an imprint of you as parent.…

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For the sake of emphasis, I categorized CARE as the initial stages of parenting—from pre-natal to baby stage. Being a parent is paradoxical. We all start from scratch. Clueless. Yet,…

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Helpful Parenting Principles Clueless. There are many jobs that can be delegated, if not relegated. But there are two which is an exclusive domain—Husband and Father. As a husband I…

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