By URL I do not mean the Abbreviation for “Uniform Resource Locator;” rather, Understanding, Respect, and Love. Come the 3rd of Dec, Stella and I would be celebrating our 29th…
GOD the Chief Cornerstone
During our History class as an architecture student, we were taught the various elements of historical structures. One of them was the cornerstone, interchangeably known as the keystone. It is…
No Return; No Exchange
As mentioned in my earlier blog, I started not believing nor knowing what to make of the marriage vow—“Until death do us part.” My nature was to get. Your value…
Intimacy in Marriage
Sex is . . . Basically, God’s truth may be divided into 3 categories: First, those truths that are far beyond man’s finite mind to comprehend. “The secret things belong…
I liken that anything created was designed for a purpose. Viewed from an architect’s mindset, the creation of a house or building goes through a design process: decipher the wants…
Are you contemplating marriage? Consider! Often quoted, “statistics show that ‘Christians’ or non-Christians alike almost have the same tally for marriage breakups.” If you are like me, my logical mind…