Whoever Feeds on Me (Part 1)
After seeing the suffering and hearing the groans of the Israelites,1 God’s chosen people, God groomed a leader who would free them from Egypt. Then Joseph died, and all his…
After seeing the suffering and hearing the groans of the Israelites,1 God’s chosen people, God groomed a leader who would free them from Egypt. Then Joseph died, and all his…
It takes desire and effort to learn anything; but it is doable at any age. Scientifically coined as Neuroplasticity, our brain has the ability to modify, change, and adapt both…
Definitely, the more we know of something, the more we enjoy it. Be it a hobby, a skill, a sport, a profession. The same goes with Bible study. It is…
Technology has made information much more available and within our reach; the downside, we have become easily distracted. Rare are those who have the habit of being in the present.…
And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of day, . . .1 Have you ever imagined yourself in the presence of…
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words…
Faithfully reading the Bible seems tedious and hard; thus, daunting. Unaided, perhaps? It helps to consider the tools which could help us understand it better. There are many practices; one…
God doesn’t do random. He creates for a purpose. He appoints and empowers. And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have…
We’ve been facilitating small groups for 2 decades, and we’ve encountered different persons with varying appetites for Scripture. Some are hard pressed to try; others are voracious. But it comes…
The Bible tells of persons, particularly the chosen ones, who actually walked with God. Adam and Eve heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the…